NGOs Network for
Radio and Communication
Promoting Communication
Technology for a Fairer World
Dear Madam/Sir,
Greetings from Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication
BNNRC is a national networking body working for building a democratic
society based on the principles of free flow of information, equitable
& affordable access to Information & Communication Technology
(ICT) for remote & marginalized population.
I am pleased to provide you with copy of Community Radio: Ready to
launch in Bangladesh, a new publication written by Golam Nabi Jewel
and published by Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication
(BNNRC) with the congenial support from Cordaid- Netherlands through
Promoting Appropriate Technologies and Policies to uphold the Value ICT
as Basic Human Rights.
This booklet highlights the present scenario of Community Radio (CR) in
Bangladesh. As well as discussing on the importance of Community Radio in
the context of globalisation and current main streaming media practice.
It also looks at the Bangladesh Broadcasting Act (draft), 2003 in the
light of Community Radio and describing the status of different
It also describes the policy advocacy process for promoting Community
Radio by NGOs and CBOs. In this connection it has published 4 interviews
of four ICT for Development and Community Media experts.
They point out how Community Radio can ensure peoples rights, resist the
globalisation and neo-liberal economic hegemony and helps to promote good
governance in Bangladesh.
I trust you will find this publication useful and we welcome your
comments and suggestions.
Sincerely Yours,
AHM Bazlur Rahman-S21BR
Chief Executive Officer
Bangladesh NGOs Network for
Radio and Communication
Member, Strategy Council
UN-Global Alliance for ICT and Development (GAID)
House: 13/1, Road:2, Shaymoli,
Post Box: 5095, Dhaka 1205 Bangladesh
Phone: 88-02-9130750,
01711881647 Fax: 88-02-9138501-105
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