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  Title: OUI! Improv Institute Part V
  Time: Sun Feb 18 5pm - 7pm (2 hrs) (Central Time)
  Where: Oklahoma Memorial Union's Weitzenhoffer Room
  Description: <div align="center"><a><img src="http://photos-200.ak.facebook.com/ip002/v58/233/29/9613297/n9613297_32766200_252.jpg"> </a></div>
<div> </div>
<div>Improv Fans,<br><br>Come join OUI! for the fifth installment of the Improv Institute! The institute is an 8-week course put on by the members of OUI! to teach you, the public, the tricks of the trade.  It&#39;s never to late to start, new students are welcome at any stage.  No previous experience necessary. <br><br>Join us this Sunday, February 18, 2007 from 5-7pm in the OU Memorial Union&#39;s Weitzenhoffer Room. The Institute is free and open to the public (ages 14 and up). <br><br>For more information about these events or to make special arrangements contact Obviously Unrehersed Improv! Manager, Marcy Fleming at (405) 413-0162 or via e-mail at <a href="mailto:[log in to unmask]" target="_blank">[log in to unmask]</a>.<br><br>To find out more about the troupe, showtimes, booking information, and to watch videos of our performances go to our website: <a>www.ouimprov.com</a>. You can also sign up for regular E-Mail updates regarding upcoming shows and workshops.<br><br>-----<br><br>Spring 2007 OU Performances<br><br>02/24/07 - OMU Performance: 8:00PM, Will Rogers Room<br>03/31/07 - OMU Performance: 8:00PM, Will Rogers Room <br>05/05/07 - OMU Performance: 8:00PM, Meacham Auditorium</div>

You can view this event at http://www.google.com/calendar/event?action=VIEW&eid=cDEzMHM0anQyNmt1b21rbjQ5Z29wYzBtNGsgb3VpbXByb3YtbEBsaXN0cy5vdS5lZHU&tok=MjAjaWp1c3RhZ2lybEBnbWFpbC5jb20yNzg5NGZmMDhmMGMyZmQzZGVmNGNiNWY3Zjg0MWQwNDE5YTIzYWUy&ctz=America%2FChicago&hl=en


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If you want more information about OU Improv! practice times, and workshops, or are interested in becoming a Hard Core Member go to http://lists.ou.edu and sign up for [log in to unmask]