Hello Members,

I trust that this message finds you all working diligently on your papers, especially those you plan to submit to the MAC Division!  Thanks in advance for making our Division look good again this year in the overall research competition!

I've been asked to share with you about the annual Barrow Scholarship Competition for doctoral students. The competition is now open, and I've attached the official flyer announcement. Please make sure eligible doctoral candidates/students at your schools receive this information.

Also, I wanted to give you a status report on our Web site. We into a big delay with construction and design of the Web site. The individual who agreed to take on this project was unable to fulfill his commitment. So, I am now working with a group here on my campus to make sure the MAC Web site becomes a reality. So, please continue to be patient with us as we work out the details for this project.  

I hope your semester continues to be a prosperous one.  I've got four more weeks with a lot packed into them. After that, it will be working with our officers to finalize details for MAC's contribution to the convention program.

Take care,

Lillie M. Fears, Ph.D

Associate Professor of Journalism

Arkansas State University

870-972-3210, office

70-995-3655, mobile