Hey all,

In this issue:
   Info on tomorrow's lesson
   Info about the Masquerade Ball on Thursday (!) & requests for help with
said Masquerade

1. Tomorrow's Lesson:

Who: The Sooner Ballroom Dance Club and You
What: Beginning Tango, Cha-Cha, and Hustle lessons, and Intermediate and
Advanced lessons in various other dances
When: Beginning Lesson at 6:30pm, Intermediate at 8pm and Advanced at 9pm
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Where: Scholar's Room, OU Student Union, 3rd floor, right near the parking
garage and the northernmost elevator in the building
Why: To have fun, of course!

Candi and John will be teaching intermediate and advanced and there will be
tickets on sale and handbills/mini-flyers for the Masquerade Ball galore.

Directions to the Scholar's Room:

-Get yourself to the third floor of the Oklahoma Memorial Union. Once on the
third floor, find the room farthest north, nearest the parking garage. We
will be there.

-Alternately, start by finding the northernmost end of the union near where
it opens onto the parking garage, and then take the stairs or elevator that
you will find there up to the third floor. At this point, you WILL be able
to find us, I promise. We're not quiet.

2. The Moonlit Masquerade!

-The lesson beforehand will be fabulous and professionally taught, the band
will be live and just as fabulous, and the refreshments and decorations will
also be, you guessed it, quite fabulous.

-It will be on Thursday night of THIS WEEK! The dance will start at 8:00
after the 7:00 beginner lesson in Foxtrot and Swing. It will be in the Molly
Shi Boren Ballroom in the OU Student Union.

-Tickets are available in the union just off the foodcourt in the room with
the schooner from 10:00 to 2:00 all this week until Thursday. The cost is $6
per person, $10 per couple in advance or $8 at the door.

-Costumes (or at least nice clothes and masks) are highly encouraged, but
not a requirement.

-We will have tickets and mini-flyers/handbills available at the lesson
tomorrow evening.

-We need people to sit at the ticket booth in the union whenever they have
free time (10:00-2:00 Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday this week). Drop by,
please. We need you. Badly. 8-}

-We also need people to help set up the day of. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE drop by
the ballroom and/or the booth in the union any time after 10:00 this
Thursday. It is a guaranteed fact that we will not only feed you lunch if
you do this but also love you forever. Cheesy, yes, but true.

I already love you forever if you've read this far,

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