All, Another flyer from the library---this describes some of the very useful databases that are available. As usual, contact Karen Rupp-Serrano if you have questions. Thanks. Karen Cozart, Director Arts and Sciences Online Program The College of Arts and Sciences The University of Oklahoma Email: [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> Website: <> Phone: (405) 325-7943 FAX: (405) 325-5710 ------------------------------------------------------------------ OFFICE 1656 Cross Center Drive, Bldg. D, Smith House 121-A MAIL 633 Elm Avenue, Room 323 Norman, Oklahoma 73019-3118 ________________________________ From: Rupp-Serrano, Karen J. Sent: Friday, April 06, 2007 8:37 AM To: Cozart, Karen L. Subject: latest flyer Karen, Here's the latest in the series. Thanks for sending it on. Karen Rupp-Serrano University Libraries