Have I mentioned lately how much I love the OWP? Always a bunch of English teachers around when you need them! I'm not sure how I did this, but I'm the President-elect for the Oklahoma Association for Developmental Education, otherwise known as OKADE. I think they voted when I was in the bathroom. Anyways.... My college, Oklahoma City Community College, gets to host the centennial OKADE conference. I need your help in naming our conference! Last year it was "Piecing it Together", but this year we decided to go with the centennial theme. If anyone can come up with something catchy that reflects 100 years of Oklahoma's statehood and ties into developmental education, let me know. And by the way, come to the conference! It'll be October 19th and 20th (no conflicts with OU games). I'll send out a call for presenters and attendees soon. I think it costs all of ten bucks to attend and includes lunch on Saturday. More details as I figure out what I'm doing. In the meantime, I look forward to hearing from you.... Thanks so much and have a great summer! Mindie Dieu