Hey there dancers,
Can you believe it's already halfway through June? The summer is just flying by. . . but that's beside the point! The point is that TOMORROW EVENING is our first dance lesson/meeting of the summer. Woo! Now for the important details:
Who: Sooner Ballroom Dance Club and You
What: Beginning and Intermediate Ballroom Lessons
When: Beginning 6:30pm, Intermediate 8:00pm, Tuesday June 12th
Where: Scholar's Room, Oklahoma Memorial Union (OMU) (directions at bottom)
Why: To have fun, as always.
No partner or experience required. Just bring some comfortable shoes with smoothish soles (socks also work just fine) and have fun. :-)
How to find the place: The OMU is on the OU campus, just south of the intersection of Boyd and Asp. It's a big building. Impossible to miss. It also has an adjoined parking garage on the north side which usually has free entry over the summer. The Scholar's Room is the northernmost room on the third floor, meaning that it's right near the parking garage. If you can't find it, call (505) 429-9018. That's my cell number.
See you soon,

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