Hello again everyone!

Turns out that the Union is doing some maintenance on the Scholar's Room
again (sigh), so they've moved us just down the hall to the
Governors/Regents Room. Still on the third floor, just a little closer to
the ballroom.

They're two different rooms, but the wall between can be removed to combine
them, and together they're about the size of the Scholar's Room, so no big

Have fun,

>From: "Paxton, Sherry L." <[log in to unmask]>
>To: "Abreu, Erin A." <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Reservation 39118 for Sooner Ballroom Dance Club beginning
>Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2007 12:36:04 -0500
>Erin - I just found out the Scholars Room has some maintenance going on
>with it.  I've reserved the Governors and Regents Rooms on the 3rd floor
>instead - two rooms opened up into one large room.  About the same size
>as Scholars.  Sorry about that!
>Reservation No: 39118
>Client: Sooner Ballroom Dance Club
>Summary of Bookings
>Date           Start       End  Room              Status
>6/19/2007    6:30 PM  11:30 PM  Gov. & Reg.       Complete
>6/26/2007    6:30 PM  11:30 PM  Gov. & Reg.       Complete

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