Estimados colegas cervantistas,

Kurt Reichenberger ha sugerido el siguiente tema de discusión para los colegas (favor de ver abajo).  En efecto es un tema fascinante.  Favor de participar en el Coloquio cuando deseen.

Saludos cordiales de

Los editores,

Date: Fri, 01 Jun 2007 11:58:32 +0200
From: Edition Reichenberger <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Coloquio Cervantes
To: [log in to unmask]

Dear Robert,

as far as the next discussion of the Coloquio Cervantes is concerned, I guess

Cervantes y las artes mágicas

Cervantes and the magical arts

 might be a fantastic theme. The volume of Sigmund Méndez, El mito fáustico en el drama de Calderón (Teatro del Siglo de Oro. Estudios de literatura 59) 2000, will serve as an excellent base for discussions and over here the Museum

Faust-Museum/Archiv der Stadt Knittlingen

is the undisputed, glorious ceter of studies on Faust, who was born and lived in the town of Knittlingen.

Our Miguel de Cervantes, whatever he might think of the devil and magical arts, fills all of his works with amused allusions to sorceres and her magical arts. It will be worth while to have a look at them in our Coloquio Cervantes.

Best wishes


Edition Reichenberger

Prof. A. Robert Lauer
The University of Oklahoma
Dept. of Modern Langs.,  Lits., & Ling.
780 Van Vleet Oval, Kaufman Hall, Room 206
Norman, Oklahoma 73019-2032, USA
Tel.: 405-325-5845 (office); 405/325-6181 (OU dept.); Fax: 1-866-602-2679 (private)
Vision: Harmonious collaboration in an international world.
Mission: "Visualize clearly and communicate promptly"
VITA / IBÉRICA / AITENSO / BCom / AHCT / MLA / Coloquio Cervantes / Coloquio Teatro de los Siglos de Oro