Hi everyone -

Congrats, W5TC for getting back on the air again for Field Day! We made more than 40 contacts on HF, digital, and ATV, using only battery power and never exceeding 5 watts, and did so in spite of inclement weather.

Pictures from Field Day are here:

Let the credits roll, and please forgive me if I've inadvertently omitted anyone!
Chip Leggett, Chris Pape, Stan Kilmer, Jason Burns, Jerrod Frederking, Erin ???, Andrea Dittman, Zac Flamig, Steven Stovall, Matt Collier for their time, equipment, participation, blood, sweat, and tears
Laura Kanofsky, for the brownies ;-)
David Grizzle and the City of Norman, for the generous donations of batteries, hardware, and food
Kim Elmore, our adviser, for signing all those forms
Norman F.D., MediFlight, and EMS Stat, for showing up for public demonstration
NWCARC, for loaning us two IC-7000s, power supplies, and headsets
SORO, for loaning us the pop-up tent
Jud Ahern, for getting reimbursements back so quickly!

We'll make our July 5th meeting a "wrap party" (location suggestions?). In the meantime, we need your feedback on how we can make Field Day bigger and better next year! Please e-mail me, Chip, and/or Chris with ideas!

Thanks again!

Robin Tanamachi, KC0BSC
Graduate Research Assistant
OU School of Meteorology
National Weather Center
120 David L. Boren Blvd., Suite 5355
Norman, OK 73072-7307

"Learning without thought is labor lost; thought
without learning is perilous." -- Confucius, The Analects