Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication Promoting Communication Technology for a Fairer World AMARC Publishes Findings on Global Evaluation of Community Radio Social Impact The World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters, AMARC published on its website today, "Community Radio Social Impact Assessment: Removing barriers, Increasing Effectiveness". To download and read the document, please go to: The publication contains the key findings of the participatory action-research process conducted by AMARC in 2006, seeking to identify the barriers that limit the potential positive impact of community radio and explore ways to increase the effectiveness of community radio in achieving poverty reduction, development objectives, inclusiveness and democracy building in local communities. The last AMARC 9 World Conference of Community Radio Broadcasters held in Amman Jordan in November 2006, (see: ) received the first findings of the evaluation process and defined strategic lines of action for 2007-2010 seeking to reinforce the CR movement by removing barriers and establishing conditions for increasing its effectiveness. This book seeks to share the evaluation process findings and contribute to increased debate and awareness on CR social impact. For Comments and to ask for hard copies please contact [log in to unmask] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- AHM Bazlur Rahman-S21BR Chief Executive Officer Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication & Member, Strategy Council UN-Global Alliance for ICT and Development (GAID) House: 13/1, Road:2, Shaymoli, Dhaka-1207 Post Box: 5095, Dhaka 1205 Bangladesh Phone: 88-02-9130750, 88-02-9138501 01711881647 Fax: 88-02-9138501-105 E-mail: [log in to unmask], [log in to unmask]