Hi everyone!

I suspect you all had a grand old time last week. Two of our officers
returned from their travels (Jenny from Spain where she;d been for a year
and Andrew from sunny Las Vegas where he'd been for the summer so far), and
the lessons continued splendidly as always, I'll bet, so on to this week's

WHO: Sooner Ballroom Dance Club
WHAT: Beg. and Intermed. Dance Lessons/Club Meeting (as always)
WHEN: Tonight, Tuesday the 17th, at 6:30 for Beginners and 8:00 for
WHERE: OU Student Union, 3rd Floor, Regent's and Associate's Rooms
WHY: Because we want to and we can!

I'm so sad. I won't be there AGAIN tonight. For some odd reason, they just
won't give me Tuesday nights off. . . . Ah well. Have fun for me, and I'll
see all of you sometime soon, I know it!

Erin Abreu
President, SBDC


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