From the National Writing Project:

Tell us about teacher-consultants, directors, or
co-directors at your
site who have received honors or awards or who have
recently published.  Submit to Awards and Accolades
for E-Voice. DEADLINE: August 3.

Dear OWP TCs--

Help make OWP look good.  If you've received an honor
or award or were recently published (in the last
school year, let's say), please send me
information--even if you think I already know--so that
I don't forget anyone.  (New leadership postition?
NBCT?  Teacher of the Year in your school or
district?)  I'll put all the information together and
make sure NWP gets it.  When we receive our packet at
NYC in November, it would make us shine if several OWP
TCs were mentioned in the magazine.
