Jorge and I talked earlier, and the only reason that he hadn't sent
something out about getting together and dancing was because we thought the
Union might be really busy now that the semester's started up again, and we
won't have the room reserved until NEXT week.

However. If people would like to get together at the Union tonight and
dance, Jorge is perfectly willing to bring some music if you call him once
you get there, and I'd more than likely show up if you called and said there
were people wanting to dance.

So in short. . . go for it!


>From: Kelsey Martyn-Farewell <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Kelsey Martyn-Farewell <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: dancing tonight?
>Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2007 17:03:52 -0500
>Hi, everyone!  I haven't spoken with Erin or Jorge to see if we have a room
>available, but this will be the last week of "lesson-free" dancing before
>our club starts again next week.  If you want to come and dance, please do!
>For the last few weeks, we have been meeting around 8pm on the 3rd floor of
>the Union.
>Erin or Jorge, if we do not have a space, or you know of some other reason
>not to go to the Union tonight, please let us all know!
>See what you’re getting into…before you go there
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