Hi Folks,

The global internet regulatory group ICANN is seeking an evaluation
team for their "At Large Committee"- which is the public
representation structure.  They have extended the deadline for
proposals to August 30th.

The ICANN  "At-Large Committee" is intended to represent the public
(internet users) in ICANN "policy development process" and also
educate the public about ICANN related internet governance issues.

They are seeking an outside review team to look at the At-Large
structure and assess it & provide recommendations. They have issued a
Request for Proposals and proposals are due (new deadline) August 30th.

Perhaps you or someone you know might be interested in this project

Here's the RFP: http://icann.org/reviews/alac/icann-alac-rfp-20jun07.pdf

Also: http://www.icann.org/reviews/alac/alac-review-final-

You can read more on their website www.icann.org  including a report
on another independent evaluation process-  assessing their
Nominating Committee-- which is now underway,


Aliza Dichter
CIMA: Center for International Media Action