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The FCC's Kevin Martin wants to make quick work of media ownership limits.
Tell Congress to hold hearings »

It's rare for media reform issues to make the front page... but they did today.

This morning, the New York Times revealed that FCC Chairman Kevin Martin is rushing through a plan to rewrite media ownership rules, letting the biggest media companies control even more local outlets. And he's doing it without giving the public a chance to respond. The rules could take effect as early as December.

Tell Congress to stop the FCC before it's too late

It's outrageous that Martin would try to pull a fast one on Americans. Fortunately, some members of Congress are fighting back. Sen. Byron Dorgan of North Dakota said, "If the chairman intends to do something by the end of the year, then there will be a firestorm of protest and I'm going to be carrying the wood." It's time to help Senator Dorgan light the fire.

The FCC tried to do this in 2003, and nearly 3 million people rose up to say no. Our protest forced Congress and the courts to reject the FCC's decision.

But despite overwhelming public opposition, Chairman Martin is trying to sneak through this massive giveaway before the Bush administration leaves office. We can put a stop to Martin's secret plan by reminding your elected officials that they must hold the FCC accountable.

Don't let Martin get away with rewriting the rules:
Demand that Congress hold the FCC accountable

We don't have much time — we need Congress to act now before it's too late. Don't make Sen. Dorgan carry the wood all alone.


Alexandra Russell
Program Director
Free Press


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