Thank you wonderful writing colleague for access to your blog. However I
think that no feminist and no one of any color with "more bounce to the
ounce" (black women, some doctors I agree with say genetically are
naturally bigger, are statistically more likely than any race/gender
demographic followed by Latinas and American Indian women, to be big so
it is we who are again in danger with skinny Obama for pres.) should
vote for him and no one who cares about us should either.

On NPR I heard Obama with my own ears say the problem with the U.S.
health system is NOT all the things Michael Moore brought up in "Sicko,"
and more but the fault of fat people who just ought to stop being so
darn fat.  (I have some words for Obama's idiocy on this issue that I
can not write or speak in public.).

Also on NPR he said that he believes life begins at conception which is
code language for anti-choice politicians though I am told in other
forums Obama says the choice is between a woman and her doctor.  Trouble
is with the anti-democratic anti-choice movement they have already made
it impossible for a woman to safely choose to terminate her pregnancy if
she feels she has to/chooses to.  So I had to say so before I go to
break because life is so freaking hard for those of us who eat better
and exercise more than a whole lot of skinny folks (like Obama) to get
the beat down in so many ways we don't need MORE discrimination, shame
and misplaced blame to stress us, depress us and make us sicker and
probably bigger. Know wha'amsayin?
-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Venise Berry
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2007 11:56 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Check out my blog!


My latest blog is called: My Vote for Barack Obama - Check it out!