Hi folks -

The July OUARC meeting will be this coming Thursday, July 3rd, at 7:00 p.m. Per Jerrod's request, we'll be meeting at Furr's Buffet in Moore, near I-35 and SW 19th St. (in front of Warren Theater). Everyone is welcome! An agenda is attached; please send me any additions or corrections.

A great big THANK YOU to everyone who came out to Reaves Park to help out with the joint SCARS / OUARC Field Day this past weekend. Thanks especially to Jerrod F. and Chris P. for their coordination efforts, and to Dan D., Aaron B., Nate S., and former OUARCer Jason B., who stuck it out throughout the night making contacts. Thanks to SCARS for allowing us to help with this event, and NWCARC for allowing us to borrow their radio equipment.

See you Thursday!

Robin Tanamachi, KC0BSC
Graduate Research Assistant
OU School of Meteorology
National Weather Center
120 David L. Boren Blvd., Suite 5355
Norman, OK 73072-7307

"The reward of the young scientist is the emotional thrill of being the first person in the history of the world to see something or to understand something... The reward of the old scientist is the sense of having seen a vague sketch grow into a masterly landscape." -- Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin