We invite
Heartlanders to submit titles of posters related to genetics, newborn
screening or related topics from the last year. We have a limited amount of
space available to display previously made posters as an opportunity
to share what is going on in our region with each other. If you (or a
colleague) will be attending the annual meeting Sept 11-12 in Sioux Falls, and
have a previously made poster you would like to share and are willing to bring,
please email the title, author and institution to us at [log in to unmask] by Wed. Sept. 3. We
will let you know which posters are chosen by Friday Sept. 5.
This is not a
peer reviewed process, just an opportunity to promote information sharing and
networking. We do have limited space, so we will try to represent states
and institutions evenly.
Regional Coordinating Center
Shona R. Whitehead
Sponsored Program Coordinator
Heartland Regional Genetics and Newborn Screening
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
940 NE 13th Street, Rm 2B2418
Oklahoma City, OK 73104
405-271-8001 ext. 42190