I can offer an overview of the multiple categories and functions of  
Latino-oriented media in the US.  That would provide a good context  
for better understanding the various types of Latino-oriented  
newspapers in this country.

On Sep 18, 2008, at 9:01 PM, HAYG OSHAGAN wrote:

> Hello all,
> At the Board meeting, I proposed that the Latino panel be a plenary.  
> The Board accepted the idea. This means it will be an AEJMC  
> sponsored plenary panel (no horsetrading needed) that I will be  
> responsible for pulling together. Let's talk more about the panelists.
> Hayg
> ---- Original message ----
>> Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2008 16:50:54 -0700
>> From: Felix Gutierrez <[log in to unmask]>
>> Subject: Re: Panel proposals
>> To: [log in to unmask]
>> Sharon/Anita:
>> Thanks for sharing the exchange.  Following up on the Latino media  
>> bicentennial commemoration resolution passed unanimously by AEJMC  
>> members in Chicago I plan to propose a plenary on the topic and  
>> hope it will have MAC division support.  If any folks have ideas  
>> along these lines, please let me know.  What's the deadline for  
>> getting our presentation ideas in?
>> Muchas Gracias,
>> Felix
>> P.S.  In 1978, the last time the MAC division proposed a plenary on  
>> Latinos and the media, Lee Barrow was the one who did the  
>> horsetrading at the mid-winter meeting that got the plenary on the  
>> program.  Hope we can make this one a reality also.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Stringer, Sharon" <[log in to unmask]>
>> Date: Thursday, September 18, 2008 12:52 pm
>> Subject: Re: Panel proposals
>> To: [log in to unmask]
>>> No, the call has not been made for MAC panel proposals.  Thanks,
>>> Anita, for reminding us that it's time for people to submit their
>>> ideas for panel presentation to our program chair, Jennifer
>>> Woodard. You can send your ideas to [log in to unmask]
>>> Sharon B. Stringer, Ph.D.
>>> Assoc. Prof. Communication
>>> Lock Haven University
>>> 603 Robinson Bldg.
>>> Lock Haven, PA 17745
>>> 570-484-2092
>>> 570-484-2436 (fax)
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Anita Fleming-Rife
>>> Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2008 7:52 PM
>>> To: [log in to unmask]
>>> Subject: Panel proposals
>>> Did I miss the call for panel proposals or is it too early for the
>>> call to have been issued?
>>> Anita Fleming-Rife     I lift up mine eyes unto the hills from
>>> whence cometh my help. . . .