Dear Melissa

you can find a list of bibliographical references about indigenous  
media on the ALternative Media Global Project website. Its first part  
is a bibliography on the wider issue of alternative media (including  
indigenous media). Make a research using the word "indigenous", and  
click the pages starting with "bibliography". I hope this will be  
giving answers to your question


Benjamin Ferron
AMGP website :
Email : [log in to unmask]

Quoting melissa brough <[log in to unmask]>:

> Greetings all,
> The International Journal of Communication (
> is considering doing a review essay on
> recent books related to indigenous media. I am aware of P. Wilson's and M.
> Stewart's (Eds) recent publication Global Indigenous Media; if you know of
> any others, particularly forthcoming publications, please let me know. Many
> thanks for your help.
> Best regards,
> Melissa
> Melissa Brough
> PhD Student
> Annenberg School for Communication
> University of Southern California