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Oklahoma Foundation For Excellence

Press Release

Teacher Scholarships Offered for Professional Development
Oct. 14, 2008
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                   CONTACT: Brenda Wheelock
(405) 236-0006; [log in to unmask] [mailto:[log in to unmask]]

OKLAHOMA CITY- Oklahoma teachers can apply through Nov. 14 for professional development
scholarships administered by the Oklahoma Foundation for Excellence, a nonprofit
 organization that recognizes and encourages academic excellence in Oklahoma's public

Teacher Scholarships for Professional Development are designed to enhance students'
learning by allowing their teachers to attend top-quality regional, national and
 international workshops and institutes in their chosen fields. The scholarships
 help cover the costs of tuition, transportation, lodging and the expense of hiring
a substitute teacher.

Scholarships will be awarded this December for teacher conferences and institutes
scheduled any time in 2009. Applications are available on the Foundation for Excellence
Web site at www.ofe.org or by contacting the foundation office at (405) 236-0006.
Applications must be postmarked on or before Nov. 14.
"Researchers have found that teacher ability is a stronger determinant of student
achievement than a student's economic standing, race or parents' educational attainment,"
said Emily Stratton, executive director of the Oklahoma Foundation for Excellence.
"Providing quality professional development opportunities to Oklahoma's teachers
 is critical to the success of Oklahoma's students."

The Foundation for Excellence launched its Teacher Scholarships for Professional
 Development in spring 2003. Since then, 209 scholarship recipients throughout Oklahoma
have attended professional development offerings in such areas as reading, fine 
arts, English, mathematics, science and special education.
Westmoore High Judy Schwarz, who received a 2008 Boeing Scholarship in Math and 
Science to attend the Texas Instruments Tech International Conference in Dallas,
 said the teacher scholarships open doors for teachers to receive training that 
they might not otherwise receive.
"We want our students to be lifelong learners, and it is important for me to model
this for my high school students," Schwarz added. "When I returned from my conference,
I was like a kid in a candy store, able to integrate new technology into my lessons.
Because I am excited, my students are excited, which helps learning come naturally
for them."

Scholarship applicants must currently be employed as an elementary or secondary 
teacher in an Oklahoma public school. They must also have at least two years of 
teaching experience in Oklahoma prior to the conference or meeting for which the
 scholarship will be used. Each application requires a statement of support from
 the applicant's principal or superintendent.

Applicants may apply for scholarships in one of five categories: the Audre' L. Henry
Scholarship for Special Education Teachers; Kenneth R. & Juliette Woodward Scholarships
for teachers in Duncan or Stephens County; Boeing Math and Science Scholarships 
for teachers in the greater Oklahoma City area; Community Foundation of Ardmore

Scholarships for teachers in Carter County; and scholarships for teachers in Tulsa
Offered for its sixth year is the Audre' L. Henry Scholarship for Special Education
Teachers. This scholarship was established through memorial gifts made to the Foundation
for Excellence in honor of Gov. Brad Henry's mother, a former special education 
teacher and school administrator, who died in 2003.

Teacher Scholarships for Professional Development are also made possible through
 support from the Boeing Co. of Oklahoma City, the Community Foundation of Ardmore
and the Kenneth and Juliette Woodward estate. Scholarships in the Tulsa area have
been funded by the Hille Foundation, the David E. and Cassie L. Temple Foundation,
and the Harold C. Stuart Foundation.

The Oklahoma Foundation for Excellence administers a memorial and honorary gifts
 program benefiting its Teacher Scholarship Fund. For more information or to learn
about giving opportunities to the Teacher Scholarship Fund, contact the Oklahoma
 Foundation for Excellence at (405) 236-0006 or visit the foundation's Web site 
at www.ofe.org [http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0010xyDf0hKbjpGh0GngmQmHd6A57Sdo-0PjSumIt4rAdSSkYe7-mbxaqZo2j3K0azKOhszhwlOF6XZRGqDp2WCIoNpZ3-aiEQ5hBEZknjPJmk=]

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Oklahoma Foundation For Excellence | 120 N. Robinson, Suite 1420 W | Oklahoma City | OK | 73102
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le=3D"color:#FFFFFF;font-family:Trebuchet MS,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif;f=
ont-size:18pt;">Oklahoma Foundation For Excellence</font></td>
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ans-serif" style=3D"color:#FFFFFF;font-family:Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetic=
a,sans-serif;font-size:10pt;"><b>Press Release</b></font></td>
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ce=3D"Trebuchet MS,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif" style=3D"color:#003366;fon=
t-family:Trebuchet MS,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:10pt;"><span s=
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ily:Trebuchet MS,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:14pt;">
<div>Teacher Scholarships Offered for Professional Development</div></font>=
</span><br /><span style=3D"color:#003366;font-family:Trebuchet MS,Verdana,=
Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:10pt;" align=3D"left"><font color=3D"#003366=
" size=3D"2" face=3D"Trebuchet MS,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif" style=3D"co=
lor:#003366;font-family:Trebuchet MS,Verdana,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size=
<div>Oct. 14, 2008&nbsp;</div>
<div><u>FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE</u>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;=
&nbsp;&nbsp; CONTACT: Brenda Wheelock</div>
p;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (405) 236-0006; <a=
 href=3D"mailto:[log in to unmask]" target=3D"_blank">[log in to unmask]</a><=
<div /></b></font></span>OKLAHOMA CITY- Oklahoma teachers can apply through=
 Nov. 14 for professional development scholarships administered by the Okla=
homa Foundation for Excellence, a nonprofit organization that recognizes an=
d encourages academic excellence in Oklahoma's public schools.=20
<div><br />Teacher Scholarships for Professional Development are designed t=
o enhance students' learning by allowing their teachers to attend top-quali=
ty regional, national and international workshops and institutes in their c=
hosen fields. The scholarships help cover the costs of tuition, transportat=
ion, lodging and the expense of hiring a substitute teacher.<br /></div>
<div>Scholarships will be awarded this December for teacher conferences and=
 institutes scheduled any time in 2009. Applications are available on the F=
oundation for Excellence Web site at www.ofe.org or by contacting the found=
ation office at (405) 236-0006. Applications must be postmarked on or befor=
e Nov. 14.</div>
<div><br />"Researchers have found that teacher ability is a stronger deter=
minant of student achievement than a student's economic standing, race or p=
arents' educational attainment," said Emily Stratton, executive director of=
 the Oklahoma Foundation for Excellence. "Providing quality professional de=
velopment opportunities to Oklahoma's teachers is critical to the success o=
f Oklahoma's students."</div>
<div>The Foundation for Excellence launched its Teacher Scholarships for Pr=
ofessional Development in spring 2003. Since then, 209 scholarship recipien=
ts throughout Oklahoma have attended professional development offerings in =
such areas as reading, fine arts, English, mathematics, science and special=
<div><br />Westmoore High Judy Schwarz, who received a 2008 Boeing Scholars=
hip in Math and Science to attend the Texas Instruments Tech International =
Conference in Dallas, said the teacher scholarships open doors for teachers=
 to receive training that they might not otherwise receive.<br /><br />"We =
want our students to be lifelong learners, and it is important for me to mo=
del this for my high school students," Schwarz added. "When I returned from=
 my conference, I was like a kid in a candy store, able to integrate new te=
chnology into my lessons. Because I am excited, my students are excited, wh=
ich helps learning come naturally for them."</div>
<div>Scholarship applicants must currently be employed as an elementary or =
secondary teacher in an Oklahoma public school. They must also have at leas=
t two years of teaching experience in Oklahoma prior to the conference or m=
eeting for which the scholarship will be used. Each application requires a =
statement of support from the applicant's principal or superintendent.</div=
<div>Applicants may apply for scholarships in one of five categories: the A=
udre' L. Henry Scholarship for Special Education Teachers; Kenneth R. & Jul=
iette Woodward Scholarships for teachers in Duncan or Stephens County; Boei=
ng Math and Science Scholarships for teachers in the greater Oklahoma City =
area; Community Foundation of Ardmore </div>
<div>Scholarships for teachers in Carter County; and scholarships for teach=
ers in Tulsa County.<br />Offered for its sixth year is the Audre' L. Henry=
 Scholarship for Special Education Teachers. This scholarship was establish=
ed through memorial gifts made to the Foundation for Excellence in honor of=
 Gov. Brad Henry's mother, a former special education teacher and school ad=
ministrator, who died in 2003. </div>
<div>Teacher Scholarships for Professional Development are also made possib=
le through support from the Boeing Co. of Oklahoma City, the Community Foun=
dation of Ardmore and the Kenneth and Juliette Woodward estate. Scholarship=
s in the Tulsa area have been funded by the Hille Foundation, the David E. =
and Cassie L. Temple Foundation, and the Harold C. Stuart Foundation.</div>
<div>The Oklahoma Foundation for Excellence administers a memorial and hono=
rary gifts program benefiting its Teacher Scholarship Fund. For more inform=
ation or to learn about giving opportunities to the Teacher Scholarship Fun=
d, contact the Oklahoma Foundation for Excellence at (405) 236-0006 or visi=
t the foundation's Web site at <a href=3D"http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=3D0010xyD=
Dp2WCIoNpZ3-aiEQ5hBEZknjPJmk=3D" target=3D"_blank">www.ofe.org</a><br /></d=
<div align=3D"center">###</div></font></td></tr></table>
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ing=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"5"><tr><td valign=3D"top" width=3D"50%" rowspan=3D=
"1" colspan=3D"1" align=3D"left">=A0</td><td valign=3D"top" width=3D"50%" r=
owspan=3D"1" colspan=3D"1" align=3D"left">=A0</td></tr></table></td>
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