From: "Dr. Adriano Duque" <[log in to unmask]>
To: "Lauer, A Robert" <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2008 12:17:44 -0500
 Tabula Gratulatoria for "“Recuerde el alma d
 ormida”: Medieval and Early Modern Studies i
 n Honor of Frank Dominguez"

Dear Sir,

I am writing to you by indication of Ignacio Arellano, to see if you could possibly post this announcement to your mailing list.


Adriano Duque


"“Recuerde el alma dormida”: Medieval and Early Modern Studies in Honor
of Frank A. Domínguez"

John K. Moore, Jr. and Adriano Duque, eds.
Appearing in the Homenajes Series of Juan de la Cuesta ­ Hispanic

You are invited to subscribe at the special price of $25, having your
name appear in the Tabula Gratulatoria in the volume; details are given

This book is a collection of essays in honor of Frank A. Domínguez, one
of the most respected Hispanomedievalists in North America. His work on
the medieval _Argonautica_, the _Cancionero de burlas_, and Jorge
Manrique will soon be followed by a new edition of _Carajicomedia_. All
this and his recent contribution to the _Dictionary of Literary
Biography_ series, as co-editor of and a contributor to _Castilian
Writers, 1200-1400 and Castilian Writers, 1400-1500_, are a testament to
his current influence in the profession; additionally, his interest in
Humanities computing and his continued direction of graduate theses has
helped shape a generation of scholars. Prof. Domínguez’s legacy as a
model hispanist is honored by a roster of participants that ranges from
several senior scholars whose work has been internationally
recognized—Ignacio Arellano, Frederick de Armas, Lucia Binotti, E.
Michael Gerli, George Greenia, Francisco Marcos-Marín, Rosa Perelmuter,
Sol Miguel Prendes, Joseph T. Snow—to a number of rising junior
scholars. Following the research interests of Prof. Domínguez, their
work presents an intriguing panorama of multi-disciplinary and
cross-cultural scholarship in pan-Hispanic studies from the medieval
period through the seventeenth century.


John K. Moore, Jr. and Adriano Duque “Introduction.”

Ignacio Arellano Ayuso. “Quevedo en Italia, Italia en Quevedo.”

Frederick de Armas. “Windmills of Fame, Chariots of Perdition: The
Equivocal Defeats of Cervantes and Don Quijote.”

Lucia Binotti. “_Restauratio Imperii. Restitutio Linguae_: The
Sixteenth-century Spanish Historiographical Tradition and the Linguistic
Definition of the Middle Ages.”

Josefa Conde de Lindquist. “Merlin: Rethinking Good and Evil in
Arthurian Romance.”

Adriano Duque. “Semiotics of Insult in the _Carajicomedia_.”

E. Michael Gerli. “_Fue la caza d’este día_: De unicornios y otras
especies en peligro de extinción en la cultura cortesana del siglo XV.”

Ryan Giles. “Hanging Bells on the Cat: Charivari and the Theatrics of
the _Arcipreste de Talavera o Corbacho_.”

George Greenia. “Down for the Count: The Limits of Numerology in
Medieval Texts.”

Sharon Knight. “Habsburgian Imperial Impulse in Cervantes’s _Persiles_.”

Francisco A. Marcos-Marín. “The Sixteenth Century in the Linguistic
History of Texas.”

Sol Miguel Prendes. “Tratar de amores: el espacio textual en la ficción

John K. Moore, Jr. “Dreaming of Houses in Medieval Castilian Landscapes:
Gaston Bachelard’s Modern Phenomenology in Pre-modern Contexts.”

Rosa Perelmuter. “Tracking Columbus: The Descriptions of Nature in the
_Diario de  abordo_.”

María Eugenia Ramos Fernández. “Locura de los teatros y teatro de la
locura: enajenación y comedia en la controversia teatral.”

Joseph T. Snow. “‘Talking the Talk’: Ventriloquism in _Celestina_.”

Tabula Gratulatoria

If you wish to subscribe to the volume, please complete the form
attached to this message. For the inclusion of your name in the Tabula
Gratulatoria, the form must reach us no later than Friday, 19 December

Check is the preferred form of payment, although a person may pay by
credit card if he or she calls Juan de la Cuesta: (800) 784-4938 (in USA
only) or (302) 453-8695. Please make checks payable to Juan de la Cuesta
and send to:

John Moore / UAB Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures / HB
407 / 1530 3rd Avenue South / Birmingham, Alabama 35294-1260

Adriano Duque
Assistant Professor
Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures
Rider University
2083 Lawrenceville Road
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
Phone: (609) 895-5596
Fax: (609) 896-5393

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Adriano Duque
Assistant Professor
Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures
Rider University
2083 Lawrenceville Road
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
Phone: (609) 895-5596
Fax: (609) 896-5393

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From: Antonio Tordera <[log in to unmask]>
To: "Lauer, A Robert" <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2008 12:29:56 -0500
Subject: Festival Medieval de Elche-España

Admirado Robert:
Puntualmente y casi cotidianamente me llegan noticias del mundo academico hasta mi Universidad de Valencia, y todo ello gracias a tí .Si fuera posible nos gustaría hacer extensible a los compañeros la programación del Festival Medieval de Elche-España pque, además este año, como todos los pares, incluye una representación extraordinaria del Misteri d'Elx,una joya, como es notori, del Medioevo.
El programa de teatro, conciertos, seminarios y conferencias está en
Gracias por todo,
Antoni Tordera
Director del Festival
Catedrático Teoría e Historia del Teatro
Universidad de Valencia
[log in to unmask]

Prof. A. Robert Lauer
The University of Oklahoma
Dept. of Modern Langs.,  Lits., & Ling.
780 Van Vleet Oval, Kaufman Hall, Room 206
Norman, Oklahoma 73019-2032, USA
Tel.: 405/325-5845 (office); 405/325-6181 (OU dept.); Fax: 405/325-0103 (office)
Vision: Harmonious collaboration in an international world.
Mission: "Visualize clearly and communicate promptly"
VITA / IBÉRICA / BCom / Coloquio Cervantes / Coloquio Teatro de los Siglos de Oro