From: "Pamela H. Long" <[log in to unmask]>
To: "Lauer, A Robert" <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2008 13:04:55 -0500
Subject: Call for papers

Robert, por favor hágalo circular como email. En enlace funciona sin punto.

Strategies for Reviving Plays
from the
Spanish Golden Age,
In Class and On Stage

an ATHE Seminar for
“Risking Innovation”
New York City
8-11 August 2009
            For the first time in ATHE’s history, the 2009 conference at the New York Marriott Marquis will feature a Seminar addressing plays from the Spanish Golden Age (c. 1580-1680) – the richest untapped resource in Western theater, equipped with thousands of world-class scripts to explore, produced in a historical moment eerily like our own, and superlatively positioned to build sorely needed bridges between Anglo and Hispanic cultural perspectives.
            Plays from the Siglo de Oro are barely studied (and even more rarely staged) in university theater programs.  Yet movement toward reclaiming these plays has recently made its mark on ATHE conferences.  Multi-disciplinary panels on translation, dramaturgy, religion in theater, and social action have featured classical Spanish comedias as case studies, demonstrating a growing interest in how this provocatively varied, puzzlingly unexplored body of work can enrich our practice.
            Strategies for Reviving Plays from the Spanish Golden Age, In Class and On Stage brings together the fervent but fragmented voices that have been calling for new approaches to teaching and performing classical Spanish plays.  The Seminar invites contributors to share strategies, experiments, innovations, theories, and experiences.  Through pre-conference exchanges, in-conference discussions, and post-conference networking, the Seminar offers participants (and their auditors) extraordinary opportunities to pool insights, interact with international experts, and forge new developments in the field.
To participate in this Seminar,
please submit a 250 word abstract of your proposed contribution by November 1,
using the process detailed at . 
This website posts the seminar’s official Call for Papers, provides information about the seminar format, answers many questions, and opens the link to submit abstracts.  Unanswered questions should be referred to the seminar’s convener, Ben Gunter, via e-mail to [log in to unmask]"> [log in to unmask].

Prof. A. Robert Lauer
The University of Oklahoma
Dept. of Modern Langs.,  Lits., & Ling.
780 Van Vleet Oval, Kaufman Hall, Room 206
Norman, Oklahoma 73019-2032, USA
Tel.: 405/325-5845 (office); 405/325-6181 (OU dept.); Fax: 405/325-0103 (office)
Vision: Harmonious collaboration in an international world.
Mission: "Visualize clearly and communicate promptly"
VITA / IBRICA / BCom / Coloquio Cervantes / Coloquio Teatro de los Siglos de Oro