Estimados colegas comediantes,

El apreciado colega Don Larson <[log in to unmask]> nos informa respecto a la convocatoria para el programa de Teatro español de los siglos XVI y XVII de la Modern Language Association < >.  Como sabrán, la asamblea de la MLA se celebrará en Filadelfia, Pensilvania, EEUU, los días 27-29 de diciembre de 2009.  No obstante, el Prof. Larson requerirá resúmenes para el 15 de marzo.  A la vez, uno debe ser miembro de la MLA para poder participar en este evento.  Favor de teclear el enlace (arriba) de la MLA o comunicarse directamente con Don al respecto.

Saludos cordiales de


From: Don Larson <[log in to unmask]>
To: "Lauer, A Robert" <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Sat, 17 Jan 2009 16:49:21 -0600
Subject: Call for Papers

Dear Robert,

        Attached is a  Call for Papers for next December's meeting of the
MLA in Philadelphia. Would it be possible for you to post it on the
listserves to which you have access? I would really appreciate it. Many

        Un abrazo,


Call for Papers
Annual Meeting of the MLA, December, 2009
The Division on Sixteenth- and Seventeenth Century Spanish Drama of the Modern Language Association is pleased to announce an open Call for Papers for the annual meeting of the MLA to be held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, December 27-30, 2009. The topics of the three sessions sponsored by the Division are as follows:
 Spaces and Places in the Early Modern Public Theater
Creation of dramatic space in the Comedia through deixis, diegesis, and visual images, within the context of the theaters’ physical spaces.
 Polyphony in the Comedia
Multiple voices, points of view, plots, forms of speech, meters, and sounds, and their relation to the organicity of comedias, their dramatic effects, reception, etc.
 Early Modern Spanish Drama beyond the Public Playhouses
Court, private, church, convent, Jesuit, university, and street theaters: their influences and dramatic traditions, theatrical assumptions, venues, audiences, etc.
One page abstracts should be sent to Donald R. Larson at: [log in to unmask] Deadline: March 15, 2009

Prof. A. Robert Lauer
The University of Oklahoma
Dept. of Modern Langs.,  Lits., & Ling.
780 Van Vleet Oval, Kaufman Hall, Room 206
Norman, Oklahoma 73019-2032, USA
Tel.: 405/325-5845 (office); 405/325-6181 (OU dept.); Fax: 405/325-0103 (OU dept.)
Vision: Harmonious collaboration in an international world.
Mission: "Visualize clearly and communicate promptly"
VITA / IBÉRICA / BCom / Coloquio Cervantes / Coloquio Teatro de los Siglos de Oro