From: Julian Olivares <[log in to unmask]>
To: "Lauer, A Robert" <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Fri, 6 Feb 2009 10:11:48 -0600
Subject: FW: SRBHP Announcement

Estimado Roberto:
Te lo agradeceria mucho pasar este anuncio, junto con el “attach”, a nuestros colegas.

From: Julian Olivares [ mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 10:56 AM
To: 'Cruz, Anne J.'
Cc: 'Lori Bernard'
Subject: SRBHP Announcement
Society for Renaissance & Baroque Hispanic Poetry
        The Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry is pleased to inform its membership and colleagues of the high rating Calíope received in the Análisis Bibliométrico of literary journals (compiled by Cristóbal Urbano, et, al Rev. Esp. Doc. Cient., 28, 4, 2005). The rating was based on the proportion of citations to the number of articles published in Calíope vols. 1-8 (1995-2002). Calíope is about to publish Vol. 14.2 (2008), and will have Calíope 15.1 ready for distribution to the membership at the IXth Biennial Conference of the Society for Renaissance & Baroque Hispanic Poetry, University of Oregon, Nov. 5-7 ( Calíope, only in its 15th year, is enjoying a considerable impact in the study of peninsular and colonial poetry during the renaissance and baroque periods. Future monographic numbers include Poesía colonial, ed. Raquel Chang Rodríguez; Poesía religiosa hebrea española, ed. Ruth Fine; Terra incognita: Poesía de la segunda mitad del XVII, ed. Pedro Ruiz Pérez.
        Calíope is inviting articles (on any theme on poetry or poetics) for future issues. Those received by July 1, 2009, and accepted for publication will be included in Vol. 15.1 (pending order of receipt and acceptance, and membership in SRBHP).
        The Análisis bibliométrico is attached; if anyone wants the complete Análisis, please request from Julián Olivares ([log in to unmask]).
        We look forward to seeing you in Eugene, Oregon!
Julián Olivares, Editor
Julián Olivares
Hispanic Studies
Editor, Calíope, Journal of the Society for Renaissance
and Baroque Hispanic Studies
of Houston
Houston TX 77204
713-743-0935 (Fax)
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"Outside of a dog,
a book is man's best friend.
Inside of a dog,
it's too dark to read."
-Groucho Marx

Prof. A. Robert Lauer
The University of Oklahoma
Dept. of Modern Langs.,  Lits., & Ling.
780 Van Vleet Oval, Kaufman Hall, Room 206
Norman, Oklahoma 73019-2032, USA
Tel.: 405/325-5845 (office); 405/325-6181 (OU dept.); Fax: 405/325-0103 (office)
Vision: Harmonious collaboration in an international world.
Mission: "Visualize clearly and communicate promptly"
VITA / IBÉRICA / BCom / Coloquio Cervantes / Coloquio Teatro de los Siglos de Oro