Hello fellow OU ARC members, While not an organized event of the club, I thought I would bring to your attention the ARRL DX (not in the USA) SSB Phone contest happening this weekend. If any of you are interested in operating on HF for this event, please let either me or Robin (KC0BSC) know. I plan on operating some either Saturday afternoon or evening, and possibly some on Sunday. Robin and I are in the works of scrounging components to get an antenna of our own in the "new" shack, so that we can have monthly operating events. Whether you are only a Technician class, or know non-hams that might be interested, all are welcome to these coming events as a means for getting the word out about ham radio in general. The name of the game in this DX contest, is to make contact with as many country entities as possible, and likewise, the DX entities are trying to reach all 50 US states. We will not be participating for points, but if you haven't ever tried contest style QSOs...it's a ton of fun. Long ragchews don't happen here, often just rapid-fire calls lasting less than a minute if conditions are good. In the event that phone is difficult due to band conditions, we will be able to work the digital modes as well. 73, Aaron, WX5AB OU ARC Contesting Committee