Hey Bonner. Let me add to the kudos from the OWP world. A fantastic accomplishment. But a beginning. It is difficult to sell a collection of one. You will need at least 20 pages for a chapbook. Go for it. You have many more in the closet I know. Of course. I have read some of them. Get them out there! Dr. A

On 3/31/09 8:34 AM, "BONNER SLAYTON" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Thank you to all of you for your kind words and support! It is so nice to have the relationships that I do with so
many polite and professional people. I am honored to be counted with such a great group of people.



Bonner Slayton, M.Ed.
Literacy Specialist
National Board Certified Teacher
Academic Resource Center

Moore Norman Technology Center
Franklin Road Campus
P.O. BOX 4701
Norman, Oklahoma 73070-4701
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405-360-9989 Fax