Hello Colleagues:
Attached you will find a request for proposals for the 31st
Intercultural Communication Conference that will be held April 15-16,
2010, on the campus of Texas Southern University in Houston, TX. Please
distribute and/or forward the call to respective colleagues at your
university, within your departments, members of your professional
groups/organizations, or to those individuals you feel can add
insightful contributions to the conference.  An additional e-mail will
be forth coming regarding travel and lodging information.  The contact
information concerning the conference is provided on the attachment. We
appreciate your support and attention and look forward to hearing from
you soon.  
Dr. Rockell Brown Burton
Assistant Professor
School of Communication
Texas Southern University 
Office Phone: 713.313.4312
E-mail:[log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> 
Success is journey, not a destination.