The OWP Leadership Retreat is almost here.  Many of you expressed commitments and couldn't come Friday night.  I would like to invite you to come down on Saturday.  Join us for breakfast 7:30, with Opening Session beginning at  8:30.  The sessions end at 4:30 and the Writing Marathon starts at 5:00. If your schedule is free and you can join us PLEASE DO!  Below is the link to RSVP.  Please do so ASAP, so that food can be ordered for meals and sessions can be planned.  Deadline to register is this Wednesday, February 10 by 5:00 p.m. 
Hope to see you there!

What you need to do:  

    You will need to go to this link http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dDVTOVA1TEt3UWE4dHc0MXd2MERia1E6MA

to RSVP with OWP.  We need to get a count for meals and sessions.  You must complete this survey by Wednesday, February 10. 

OWP Leadership Retreat

A time for Reconnection, Renewal and Restarting!


Dates: Saturday, February 20


Location: Lake Murray Resort Park



Who is invited: EVERY TC!!! New and Seasoned!

New TC’s can learn what OWP has to offer and be part of the amazing network of teachers.

Seasoned TC’s can be energized and see where OWP is going in 2010..   


Goal: Build up our capacity of TC’s and rejuvenate our site!


Get excited about this opportunity-- see your Summer Institute friends and make new ones!  Bring an idea to share!


Audra Plummer  M. Ed.
National Board Certified Teacher
Co-Director of Inservice
Oklahoma Writing Project
University of Oklahoma
College of Education
555 East Constitution Room 237
Norman, Oklahoma 73019
Phone: 405-401-1348
FAX: 405-325-4061

Teachers Teaching Teachers