PWSA Members and Friends, 

Sorry these minutes are tardy in arriving.  Somehow they didn't "send" while I was in Gaylord Hall, and I just 
now found them lurking in my outbox...

Good luck with finals, and have a great summer.  PWSA will hit the floor running next semester with activities to promote fun as well as professionalism in our craft.  See you then!

--Jocelyn Pedersen, President
[log in to unmask]

> Minutes of PWSA meeting held 4-28-10
Facebook and Website officers, please post on your respective venues. 

> Agenda:
> Review status of PWSA registration with UOSA--Jocelyn Pedersen
All officers have signed except for Tiffany.   After Tiffany signs, Jocelyn will turn the paperwork in, and we'll be official.
> Jocelyn will send an e-mail to Tiffany to get her signature
> Note to Molly Levite Griffs 
We wrote a note to Molly Levite Griffs thanking her for her support of the PWSA contest that fell by the wayside. 
Molly had donated signed copies of children's book(s) for prizes.  We apologized for leaving her hanging and 
stated that we hoped she would consider supporting us again in the future.  The letter was circulated for 
all to sign. 
> Review List Serv Progress--Courtney Murphy/Jocelyn Pedersen
> We have had some progress--not so many e-mails are littering in boxes
Facebook and Website officers will be on the list serv so they can receive list serv info. and disseminate it accordingly. 
Vice versa, too.  If they receive info. that needs to be sent out on the list serv, they will do so.  This will keep everyone up to 
date on the goings-on within PWSA.  
> Review Facebook Progress--Jocelyn Pedersen/Helen Grant
Facebook will be the fun side of PWSA
The Website will portray the professional side of PWSA 
> Helen got privs. on the Facebook account from Will Prescott
> Courtney will send a link to the Facebook acct. on the listserv and instructions on how to join the Professional Writing Student Association
	Thanks to Mel who gave a brief how-to session for those unfamiliar with Facebook. 

> A group of interested folks who want to read and discuss Bickham's books (or other how-to books) is forming for the summer. 
So far, we have DJ, Dorathea, and Jocelyn who are in the group.  Get in touch with Jocelyn if you're interested. 
We plan to read a couple of chapters, then meet to discuss and work the exercises together.  We'll have an organizational meeting (e-meeting?) after finals. 
> Anthology Committee
> Members wanted to choose anthology committee members to get it going.  Will get rolling next semester.
> We will split duties out so everyone gets experience
> Mel--Head Shepherd
> Courtney Murphy--Anthology Chair
> Autumn Huffman--Co-editor
> Jerry Stegall--Co-editor
> Jamie Krycho--Co-editor/Layout
> Robert Flippo--Editing or whatever 
> Megan McCracken--Co-editor
> PWSA Dues
> We will start collecting dues next semester 
> Jordan Kopf, our Treasurer, suggests that we keep dues  low.  Everyone agreed
> $10.00 per semester to be used for food.  We'll collect dues next semester. 
> T-shirts
> Courtney and Jocelyn will come up with prices for T-shirts to compare
> Courtney and DJ will come up with possible designs to share early next semester
> Courtney and Jocelyn will compare notes on pricing and we can take orders for shirts next semester
> Ideas for PWSA
> Guest Speakers--published authors who can come talk to us--or go to the speaker as a group
> Perhaps co-sponsor a speaker with other campus groups
> Round table discussions for members/guests what we're working on currently
> Grant writing to get guest speakers
> Webisodes--short web flicks about mysteries, Sci. Fi, whatever
> Writing ContestTrip to DNA lab.  Jocelyn has a buddy who owns a DNA lab and has offered to take us on a tour. 
We'll find out who's interested in going early next semester and Jocelyn will set it up. 

> Courtney will find out when Howdy Week is and report back, so we can be prepared for a table to let members know we're out there and poll for good meeting times
> Courtney, Jocelyn and DJ will volunteer to go to PW classes and talk about PWSA
> Beginning of next semester send out a list-serv AND Facebook announcement asking people to pick three meeting times and ask what day is best for meetings this year.  This can go on Facebook too.  But the official count will be kept on Facebook by Helen.  People who wish to respond via e-mail or list serv may do so. 
> Next meeting 2nd week of Fall semester.  It will be announced via (drum roll, please...)  List Serv, Facebook, and Website!

Thanks to all who attended. 

(sitting in for Rachel, our intrepid Secretary)