Dear colleagues,
I add my voice in absolute support of the many astute, thoughtful and on-point comments about the AEJMC media release.  It is at moments like these that I am grateful for the MAC listserv, and that it is so well supported by our membership. I am in the process of moving my household, and so apologize for being so slow in responding.

I don't want to detract from the vibrant planning and discussions already going on so I started this new topic just to interject some info that might be helpful as we plan our communication strategies:

*Remember, the listserv recognizes email addresses, not just names alone.  If you find yourself unable to post, it is probably because your email address has changed in some way and it is not recognized.  I have been in touch with Ken Campbell and a handful of other members who have had some challenges and have resolved these;
*I've attached a pdf of the website where the listserv resides at OU, where I started this and where I currently manage it.  A lot has changed over the years, and all of you as individual members can have a lot more access if you want.  The URL is [log in to unmask]  From this website, for instance, any member can access the archives of our discussions by month. I believe you will have to sign in with an email and password.  But, this can save you the hassle of hunting through email to keep up with our discussions.  You can also direct anyone you know who wants to join AEJMAC to this site and he/she can apply to join.  Finally, anyone can use this site to leave the list if you want;
*Post to the listserv with new headings (as we have been doing) when the topic shifts as a way to help everyone find particular discussions more easily;

*As Brad, Dwight and others have noted, the AEJMC blog has lit up with comments from others who, too, disagree with this action.  Perhaps MAC/OSM statements could be posted here when ready to not only become part of our organization's ongoing discussions, but to lead them;

*Hayg, Jannette, Federico, Dwight, Jennifer, Linda and so, so many others remind us that we can and should be proactive.  We have many spheres of influence among us that can be used to distribute whatever statements we choose to issue.  While we want to be careful about seeming to engage in a public dispute, or a personal attack, of our elected org leader, we can certainly speak with one voice to colleagues in similar orgs, ethnic media, blogs, our own departments, and other venues as appropriate;

*Our discussions once again show the dynamic strength of our collective voices.  We know that our membership includes *leaders* in topics of diversity, media, politics and more.  Maybe it is time to think about establishing a CSM/MAC blog to make real-time comments on the issues of the day.  It might also be worth thinking about an advocacy & communication function where someone and/or some small committee could drive this.  I'm not trying to create any unnecessary administrative level, but I also think we need to be sensitive to duties our officers currently have during the year and think more strategically about some protocols that we could devise to be proactive as well as reactive when needed.

That's all for now, and thanks for your attention to this lengthy post.  Count me in when needed to support the progressive actions that are unfolding.
