Colleagues: Good idea Federico. Personally, I don't consider Fox "News" to be a legitimate journalism/news organization because of its extreme proclivity toward biased content that seeks to deceive and manipulate rather than inform its audience. In that sense Fox represents a perverted media entity in much the same manner as the National Inquirer wherein some items are legitimate but others are not. Bottom line is the public is not able to distinguish truth from falsehood. Legitimate news outlets, of course, make mistakes in the course of meeting their communications responsibilities and they make public corrections and apologies when they err. Fox rarely, if ever, does this. In the Sherrod matter, instead of a retraction or apology, the follow-up I saw focused on the mistakes of the White House and Dept. of Agriculture in forcing her resignation without mentioning Fox's culpability. I believe any resolution should note this and cite the examples you mention as ethical disqualification of Fox as legitimate purveyors of news. "Fox News" is really in a different -- and shameful -- category within the media landscape and the public needs to know this. -- CW Dr. Clint C. Wilson II Professor of Journalism and Graduate Professor of Mass Communications and Media Studies John H. Johnson School of Communications Howard University ________________________________________ From: FOR THE MINORITIES AND COMMUNICATION DIV. OF AEJMC [[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Federico Subervi [[log in to unmask]] Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2010 12:27 AM To: [log in to unmask] Subject: How about a resolution condemning FOX news?!! Dear Colleagues, Has anybody given some thought to coming up with an AEJMC or even just a MAC/CSM resolution condemning Fox News for it continued outright political biases being reported as "news"? The most recent example is Fox's fabricated stories about Shirley Sherrod? If you haven't read up on this last issue, please do and consider some MAC/CSM statement regarding Fox News. By the way, the condemnation could also allude to Fox's fabrications and outright campaign against ACORN, etc. Cheers, Federico