Dear MAC members:
Thanks for your enthusiastic response to our invitation to 
a MAC social.  I reserved space (tables and chairs) for 25 
people who signed up by the deadline.  Please note that 
everyone is welcome to join the group at the club on the 
night of the event (Friday, Aug. 6).  The cover charge 
will be $8.  As you enter the club, please indicate that 
you are part of the MAC Group (Ilia and Jennifer’s group) 
and you will be directed to the reserved area.  The band 
on stage will be Dotsero. The show starts at 9 p. m. 
 Jazz@Jack’s is located at the Denver Pavilions, 500 16th 
St. #320 (third floor of the mall), a block or so from the 
conference hotel.  I look forward to seeing you at the 


Ilia Rodriguez

MAC Programming Chair

Associate Professor

The University of New Mexico