Hello All!
As we approach the start of the fall term, I am wondering what questions, problems, or creative ideas people have for designing their courses?
We now have approximately 80 people on this course design listserv.
I am sure a good number of you have done some creative design or redesign of your courses.
Or you may have questions as you try to do this. If you have a question, you can be sure a number of others have (or had) the same question. Voicing that question and getting some thoughts on it, will help everyone.
Please consider posting your ideas or questions on the listserv. We would love to read them.
Email for posting: [log in to unmask]
Update on Course Design Website
We have also done a few things to enhance the website in the last few weeks:
In the section on "Design Tips and Forms", we reorganized this section to make it easier to find the kind of item you are looking for, and added a few items.
Jose Diaz, a valuable contributor from Venezuela, is doing the wonderful work of translating the whole website into Spanish! You can see what he has done to date by clicking on the Spanish flag on the top-right of the homepage.