Dear OURMedia members, PLATFORM Journal of Media and Communications is now accepting articles for their Vol. 3 Issue 1 edition on "Media, Race, Politics". Please see below for detailed call for paper. * What is PLATFORM? * *PLATFORM: Journal of Media and Communication* is a biannual open-access online graduate publication. Founded and published by the Media and Communications Program, School of Culture and Communication, University of Melbourne (Australia), *PLATFORM* was launched in November 2008. *PLATFORM* is refereed by an international board of established and emerging scholars working across diverse paradigms in Media and Communication, and edited by graduate students at the University of Melbourne. It is planned to develop it as an international journal. The aims of *PLATFORM* include: - to provide a platform for Media and Communication graduates to showcase, share and support the work of one another through publication, peer-review and comments - to provide a platform for emerging Media and Communication scholars to build a publication record, and to contribute subsequently to other academic publications - to increase scholarly appreciation of Media and Communication research across diverse theoretical, methodological and empirical interests - to encourage international awareness and collaboration through the discussion of issues associated with the rising significance of multiple media and communication platforms for societies and individuals across various globalised and localised environments. As a graduate publication, *PLATFORM* invites submissions from PhD and Masters students working in Media and Communication. Submissions will be refereed by an international board of established and emerging scholars working across diverse paradigms in Media and Communication. *PLATFORM*: VOLUME 3 ISSUE 1 (MARCH 2011) Full Papers due: *11 October 2010* (6,000-8,000 words, including 200 word abstracts and six keywords) Election campaigns are a constant feature of political and democratic debate. They are also a time when political communication reaches extraordinary levels as political leaders and organisations (formal and informal) try to influence voters to align with their positions and values. This issue of *PLATFORM: Journal of Media and Communication* invites papers that challenge and explore the visibility (and invisibility) of race and racism in media coverage of political communication and election campaigns. Issues of race and racism have been prominent in headlines around the world over the past decade. The role of the state has been highlighted in relation to policies such as the proposed banning of Islamic face veiling in France, Belgium and Quebec; immigration and asylum-seeker policy; land reform and intertribal conflict in parts of Africa; and anti-terrorism initiatives such as racial profiling and an increased scrutiny of Muslim bodies post 9/11 (see for example Goldberg, 2002; Amin, 2010; Lentin, 2004). Over the same period, US President Barack Obama's 2008 election victory was described as signifying a 'post-racial' era, drawing attention to the role of these discourses of 'post-racism' within political communications (Edge, 2010). This issue of *PLATFORM* is seeking papers that expand or critique our understanding of the interplay between media and race and racisms in election campaigns and political debates. How (in)visible is race as a factor in political discourse or practice, as reflected in media analyses and challenges? How is this influenced by the increasing mediatisation of democracy? How do issues such as the rise of citizen journalism and the increasingly fragmented and cultural ways in which people utilise media impact or mediate against issues of race? In addition to submissions to our general section, *PLATFORM: Journal of Media and Communication* welcomes thematic submissions by *current graduate students working in the field of media and communications* which critically examine issues of race and racism in media coverage and analysis of elections and online deliberations around the world. Submissions can explore any of the intersections between race, identity, class, culture and history, but should explicitly focus on these in relation to media and new communication technologies. Suggested topics could include, but are by no means limited to: - The interplay between race and mediatised democracy and online deliberation, including campaigning technologies, such as opinion polls, focus groups and televised debates - Race and the political economy of media - Race and identity in political discourse and campaign rhetoric - Race in policy and policy debates (for example immigration and refugee policy; national security; land ownership; surveillance) - Race in neoliberal discourses and policy (Goldberg, 2002) *We would also like to hear from any early career, PhD and master researchers who are interested in peer-reviewing submissions for this issue. Please refer to our contact details below.* *Submissions to:* [log in to unmask] All submissions to *PLATFORM *must be from *current* *graduate students* (no more than 6 months after graduation) undertaking their Masters, Ph.D. or international equivalent. We recommend that prospective authors submit abstracts for approval by *PLATFORM *editors well before this deadline to allow for feedback and suggestions, so that we receive full papers by *11 October 2010*. All eligible submissions will be sent for double-blind peer-review. *Early submission is highly encouraged as the review process will commence on submission. * * * *Note: **Please read the Submission Guidelines<>before submitting work. Submissions not in house style will not be accepted and authors will be asked resubmit their work with the correct formatting before it is sent for review.* * * *For more information contact:* Sandy Watson ([log in to unmask]), Editor-in-Chief of *PLATFORM *Volume 3, Issue 1 * * *Apply to Peer-Review* * * *PLATFORM: Journal of Media and Communication* invites early career, PhD and Masters researchers to peer-review its scholarly submissions. If you would like to apply, please submit a 150-word bio as well as a CV highlighting research projects, publications and paper presentations. * * *References* Amin, A. (2010). The Remainders of Race. *Theory, Culture and Society,* 27*, * 1-23. Edge, T. (2010). Southern Strategy 2.0: Conservatives, White Voters, and the Election of Barack Obama. *Journal of Black Studies,* 40*,* 426-444. Goldberg, D. T. (2002). *The Racial State, *Oxford and Malden, Blackwell Publishers. Lentin, A. (2004). Racial States, Anti-Racist Responses: Picking Holes in 'Culture' and 'Human Rights'. *European Journal of Social Theory,* 7*,*427-443. Mazzoleni, G. and Schulz, W. (2001). *Political Communication,* 16*,*247-261. Best regards, Maria Shi Journal Manager -- PLATFORM: Journal of Media and Communication URL: Email: [log in to unmask] -- Akina Mikami Master of Global Media Communication BA (Hons)(Media and Communications) Dip. in Modern Languages in French The University of Melbourne [log in to unmask]