Very short notice (sadly, as usual) but if anyone is interested in going to the meeting and reporting back, maybe PWSA can do something.  I can't make the meeting.  Let me know (at [log in to unmask] do NOT hit REPLY) if you are interested in going to this meeting. 


Jocelyn Pedersen
PWSA President
(405) 823-7674

Subject: Gaylord Homecoming Meeting - Thursday!

Good Afternoon,
 As you may have heard, Gaylord is gearing up for this year's homecoming festivities. We have a lot of activities planned but we need the help of each Gaylord College student organization to help make this event truly amazing. We are asking that at least one representative from each student group attend the Homecoming Planning meeting on Thursday, Sept. 23th at 6:00 PM in GYLD 3150. 
We have special roles for each group, and have ideas to make this a really great weekend for Gaylord but we would need everyone on board in order for them to work. You are receiving this e-mail because you are listed as a faculty advisor for a Gaylord student organization so if you would please forward this information on to the president or entire group, it would be greatly appreciated. Please let us know if you have any questions or if a representative will not be able to attend.

Thanks so much, 
Sarah Wittrock and Britan Mills
University of Oklahoma
Gaylord Ambassadors