For those of you considering proposing and/or being part of a panel on this subject, I suggest you read Michael Moore's open letter to Juan Williams:

My own two cents' : Mini-plenary OK; full plenary, maybe not.


Federico Subervi, Ph.D.
Professor & Director
Center for the Study of Latino Media & Markets
School of Journalism & Mass Communication
Texas State University - San Marcos
(512) 245-5267 Academic office; Tuesdays & Thursdays only
(512) 250-0487 home office

> I am just raising the question: Do we want to think about a plenary that addresses the recent firings of Juan Williams, Rick Sanchez and Helen Thomas?  I am not in a position right now to write a proposal, but I do think this is an opportunity to discuss very important issues  relative to the field of journalism education and the practice of journalism.
> With kindness,
> Anita Fleming-Rife