ViBGYOR 2011: CALL for Entries

Welcome to the 6th Edition of ViBGYOR International Film Festival for Short & Documentary films, to be held in Thrissur, Kerala, India from January 12-16, 2011! The 6th ViBGYOR is dedicated to the memory of late C. Saratchandran, the noted filmmaker and activist and our friend and co-traveler at ViBGYOR. Accordingly we have chosen ‘Political Filmmaking and Media Activism in South Asia’ as the special focus theme of the year. Anand Padvardhan is the festival Director for 2011 VIBGYOR.

Due to time and space constraints we can only screen around 100 films at the festival. If you or a friend wishes to send a recent film/s (Documentaries/Short Fiction/Animations/ Music Videos/Spots) to ViBGYOR, we shall gladly include them in the PREVIEW for preliminary selection. An eminent panel of Jury will select the final set of films to be screened at the Festival.

The last date for film submissions is November 15th, 2010 (postmarked).  Download Entry Forms from . Don’t forget to include all required documents/material (duly filled Entry Form, Synopsis, production details, stills form the film etc) as hard copy or preferably as soft copy on a separate CD. You can also email to us these details and stills as well, but ensure that you comply with standrard file formats and resolution requirements. Send queries to [log in to unmask] or contact ViBGYOR Film Collective directly: +919809477058/ +91 487-2323590

  1. There is no Entry Fee. Last date of film submission: November 15th , 2010. To address possible technical glitches during screening we advise you to send 2 DVD copies of your film/s
  2. Address the film packet to ViBGYOR, 2nd Floor Kalliath Square, Palace Road, Thrissur, Kerala, India  680 020, Tel. +91-487-2323590/+919809477058. Send film synopsis, film stills, director’s photograph and production details as soft copy (CD) or email them to [log in to unmask]
  3. All selected films will receive a Certificate of Participation. ViBGYOR is a non-competitive Film Festival, so thre are no Awards. However we might award filmmaking Fellowships to deserving young filmmakers as per the recommendations of the Selection Jury.
  4. All selected filmmakers are invited to attend the festival and are assured of local hospitality. (ViBGYOR is not in a position to pay for travel expenses).
  5. With your presumed permission, we might inlude Selected/Non-selected films in the ViBGYOR Touring Festival conducted in schools, colleges and villages and small towns in Kerala and elsewhere.
  6. For detailed information, please log on to

ViBGYOR International Film Festival: Profile 

ViBGYOR International Film Festival, Thrissur, Kerala is a celebration of human spirit, expressed through the medium of cinema, with its inherent nobility and diversity. It covers the living experience of millions of people across the globe, witnessed and retold in the form of documentary and short fiction films, by a number of skilled and committed filmmakers from across the world. The films which talk about the struggles of people for existence and for basic human rights find the right audience here. The five-day Film festival is not only a treat of brilliant films, but also an invaluable platform for an interface with filmmakers, activists, leaders of people’s movements, academicians, students and common people from diverse streams of life.

From its beginning in 2006, ViBGYOR has taken a different path, by bringing films and filmmakers to places where ordinary people live, to people who do not have a camera or a canvas to bring their stories to light. The series of Mini festivals organized as Outreach Programmes--the Village ViBGYOR conducted in panchayats and Campus ViBGYOR in educational institutions--culminate in the Annual Festival in Thrissur town. The resonances of the annual festival are then effectively carried forward throughout the year with a series of ViBGYOR Touring Festivals, taken around the country.

In the first year the Focus theme of ViBGYOR Festival was Water. In the second year it was Earth, in the third year Energy, and in the fourth edition Food Sovereignty. For the 5th Edition of ViBGYOR in 2010, we had chosen South Asia: Democracy-Justice-Peace as the focus theme. This `South Asia’ theme will continue for the next three years and will reflect in the anchoring of the Film Packages, South Asia Conference, Open Forum discussions, Mini Conferences, Workshops, Campaigns and the Farm & Food Fair. As the 6th Edition of ViBGYOR is dedicated to the memory of late C. Saratchandran, the noted filmmaker and activist and our friend and co-traveler at ViBGYOR, we have chosen ‘Political Filmmaking and Media Activism in South Asia’ as the special focus theme of the year. Anand Padvardhan, noted documentary filmmaker is the Festival Director for 2011 VIBGYOR.

Mustafa Desamangalam, Exe. Director, ViBGYOR-2011 (+91 9447743040),  Benny Benedict, Secretary, ViBGYOR Film Collective (+91 9447000830), Seena Panoli,  Joint Secretary, ViBGYOR Film Collective (9447546417)

"[It is not] possible to distinguish between 'numerical' and 'nonnumerical' algorithms, as if numbers were somehow different from other kinds of precise information." - Donald Knuth

"[It is not] possible to distinguish between 'numerical' and 'nonnumerical' algorithms, as if numbers were somehow different from other kinds of precise information." - Donald Knuth