I hope you're doing well. My name is Jaime Sutton and I
work with students across the country in the MyEdu campus rep program.
We are currently looking to hire 2 interns on your campus starting immediately and continuing through fall. I am aware that OU students are always
looking for ways to fine tune their skills...and their resumes, and
this is a great opportunity. Students are involved in social media
marketing, viral communications, speaking engagements, administrative
meetings and more.
I have attached a job description to this email for your reference
and you can also learn more by visiting
http://www.myedu.com/about/myedu/campus-crew. I would appreciate it if
you would share it with your members and please
feel free to contact me with any questions.
Regards, Jaime
-- Jaime Sutton Director, Campus Rep Programs MyEdu Corporation P: 512.469.9777 x201 Cell: 512.496.7729 F: 512.469.9731 [log in to unmask]