For those who might be interested....

Hi Jocelyn,

This is Miguel Correa from the Princeton Review....I spoke at a meeting for your organization earlier this year. I hope you are well! I am writing to let you know about another free event that we are putting on. It is called "Test Fest" and it is a free practice test that we will be giving next Saturday, October 23rd, at 10am in the Physical Sciences building. We are offering a free practice GRE (as well as LSAT, MCAT and GMAT) and what makes our free test unique is that the GRE, GMAT, and MCAT will be administered on a computer, just like the real thing. Other companies offer free practice tests in the form of paper and pencil tests, which is a very different experience from the actual computer-adaptive test, so this would be a great opportunity for anyone interested in taking the GRE to see what it is really like.

If you are interested, or if you wanted to forward this email to your members or announce it at your next meeting, that would be great. It is a totally free event and it is being run in conjunction with OU Career Services. I have attached the flyer, which has all of the information about where and when, as well as the website that students would need to register for the test. It is something where anyone interested should register beforehand, and not just show up the day of the test.

I think that covers everything....let me know if you have any more questions!

Thanks, Miguel.