Dear friends,

"In the struggle for freedom of information, technology -- not politics -- 
will be the ultimate decider."

These words, originally uttered by Sir Arthur C Clarke many years ago, have 
been quoted frequently in the current debate surrounding WikiLeaks and 
freedom of information.

I invoke these words, and many other related reflections by the late author 
and futurist, in a 2,250-word essay I have just written. Titled 'Living in 
the Global Glass House', it is presented in the form of an Open Letter to 
Sir Arthur, and available at:

While it was inspired by the current WikiLeaks controversy, it also touches 
on some other issues related to our information society. I look at what it 
means for individuals, corporations and governments to live in the Age of 
Transparency. I also wonder where the 'Digital Pied Pipers' of Facebook 
might eventually lead us (or our children)...

Please visit, read and join the conversation! Also feel free to tweet, blog 
or reproduce the essay anywhere - there is no copyright restriction.

With best wishes,
