With apologies for any cross
AMARC - Asia Pacific.
Kathmandu, 17th January
Solidarity with Community Radio Stations in Flood
Affected Areas.
The World Association of
Community Radio Broadcasters, Asia Pacific (AMARC-AP), sends it greeting to all
community radio station affected by the floods which have recently occurred in
Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania.
AMARC-AP also offers its
condolences to all those who have lost loved ones or been personally impacted
by the unprecedented flood events.
In the recent past our
region has been impacted by tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other
natural disasters.
In the aftermath of these
catastrophes, Australians have demonstrated a generosity and warm heartedness
that has brought relief, succour and friendship during and after the recovery
and reconstruction period.
AMARC-AP recognises the
important role many community radio stations have played in the aftermath of
these disasters and we extend to all community radio stations, their
volunteers, staff and their wider communities our solidarity and thoughts in
this difficult time.
is an international non-governmental organization serving the community radio movement
in over 110 countries, and advocating for the right to communicate at the
international, national, local and neighbourhood levels. AMARC has an
International Secretariat in Montreal. It has regional sections in Africa,
Latin America and Asia Pacific and offices in Johannesburg, Buenos Aires,
Brussels, and Kathmandu. For more information, please contact Suman
Basnet, Regional Coordinator for Asia-Pacific, [log in to unmask]
or visit