Thanks for responding. Feels like spring!


Kimberly Noble Piper, RN, BS, CPH, CPHG

State Genetics Coordinator

Center for Congenital and Inherited Disorders

Iowa Department of Public Health

321 E. 12th Street

Lucas State Office Building

Des Moines, IA 50319-0075

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BB 515-720-4925

Fax: 515-242-6013


From: Communication for the Heartland Regional Genetics Group [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Johnson, Carol K (Pediatrics)
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 10:46 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: list-serve question from Julie Luedtke


Hi Julie:


Because our program is “housed” at the University of Iowa, we are able work with the UI Purchasing Department to include metabolic formula along with other nutritional/baby formulas needed by UI Hospitals and Clinics.  This allows us to be a part of a competitive bid process, and UI Purchasing negotiates a good price for us.  This has also been helpful when companies wanted to charge us shipping on top of the formula cost.  UI was able to step in, and in most cases, prevent it.  We periodically do a spot check of prices through local pharmacies, and find that our price is 30% to even 50% lower than what a pharmacy would charge a patient for the formula.  Another added benefit is that all invoices/billing/payments are run through the UI, so the program doesn’t have to do the work of that.  We only oversee and reconcile the process.  This is also handy when billing errors occur or when there is damaged product, because we have the power of the university behind us and they fight the battle for us. 


I don’t know if you’d be able to partner with the U of Nebraska or the U Nebraska Med Center, but it might be worth looking into. 


I would consider being a part of a multi-state process, but only if we could get the same or a reduced price from what we’re currently paying.  You’d also have to consider some administrative cost if this happens.  Someone will have to run this operation.  Just our program takes a considerable amount of effort to manage.


I’m curious to see what others think.


It’s going to be 48 degrees here today and in the mid-50’s tomorrow in Iowa.  Bring on Spring!!!


Best wishes to all…


Carol Johnson

Pediatrics/Medical Genetics

Iowa Newborn Screening Program and

Iowa Metabolic Treatment Program

University of Iowa Children’s Hospital

200 Hawkins Drive

Iowa City, IA 52242



From: Communication for the Heartland Regional Genetics Group [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Dean, Lori
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 10:30 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: list-serve question from Julie Luedtke
Importance: High


From: Luedtke, Julie
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 10:25 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: list-serve question



We are looking at every option available to be able to sustain funding for metabolic foods and formula.   We are considering cost containment strategies, cost sharing strategies, and lastly (and least likely to happen) strategies to increase revenue sources to pay for the formula. 


Does anyone know if there is a multi-state contract for metabolic formula with any vendors?  I am aware that within the Region the WIC program has the multi-state contract that involves a rebate for certain formula.  In Nebraska our WIC formula formulary does not include any of the metabolic formulas used by our patients, however they could possibly be added.  Of course that only helps a small portion of affected individuals because they have to meet Medicaid income eligibility guidelines.  I’m just wondering if a multi-state contract could generate the volume needed for some meaningful discounts on cost of formula.


Would like to hear folks weigh-in on this.



Julie Luedtke, Program Manager

Newborn Screening & Genetics

Nebraska Department of Health & Human Services

301 Centennial Mall South

Lincoln, NE  68509-5026

402 471-6733

Fax:  402 471-1863

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