It is time for the 2011 Spring Celebration of Writing for Students and Teachers Conference. This conference is open to grades 6-12. Please see attached information. Pass along to someone in your building, site or district. Deadline to register is Tuesday, March 22, 2011.
2011 Spring Celebration of Writing
for Students and Teachers
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Oklahoma City University
The Oklahoma Writing Project invites you to attend the Spring
Celebration of Writing for Students and Teachers. “Each teacher may bring 5 students, grades 6-12. (Sorry, space limits us to no more than
5.) Parents and student teachers
are welcome, too. Register soon. Only 225 seats available.
In the morning, students and
teachers will attend two writing workshops of their choice. Students
will choose two workshops appropriate for their grade level. Workshops will
provide pre-writing and drafting activities for various genres--poetry, essays,
personal narratives, descriptions, flash fiction or short stories. In the afternoon, winners of the 2011 OWP Writing Contest will be
honored. Participants
will receive a copy of the 2011 Anthology of Winning Writing.
8:30 Registration/Refreshments
9:00-9:20 Orientation/Quickwrite
9:30-10:45 Session One
11:00-12:15 Session Two
may eat on campus, bring sack lunch, or go out to lunch with teacher.)
1:30-2:30 Celebration of Writers/
OWP Write to Win Contest Winners Announced
You may register online by going directly to the link below or going to the OWP Website--
Direct link to registration:
For those of you, who entered pieces in the OWP "Write to Win" contest, winners will be announced very soon!