According to the OFA: As communities in Alabama work to recover from the devastating storms of the past few days, those affected are in our prayers.

If you've been affected by these storms, please call FEMA at (800) 621-3362 for assistance.

If you can pitch in to help, please donate<> or volunteer your time<> by visiting<>

Know Justice; Know Peace,
Rev. Dr. E-K Daufin
Professor of Communication
Media & Society Size Equity Expert
ASU FSA/AFT Co-VP for Faculty
AEJMC MAC Membership Chair
Alabama State University
915 S. Jackson St.
Montgomery, AL 36101-0271
(334) 229-6885<>
Your research and creative activity referrals are welcomed.
With all my heart I want to work with and for kind, competent, strong people who love and help me and I they.  Ashe!