PWSA Members and Friends, (If you got this message twice, it's because you're on both the listserv and in my personal list of PW students and anthology authors. Sorry!) We've had the problem for awhile that our meetings every two weeks, alternating between Mondays and Wednesdays at 5:00, are not convenient for some people. At least two of our officers could only attend 1/2 of the meetings this semester because of class conflicts. I'm sending this e-mail because I just enrolled in classes for next semester, and I have a Monday class in Fall 2011 from 5pm to 7:50. It's already an issue that some officers can't attend half the meetings. And now the president, too? I suggest we choose a new meeting time for next semester, or a new president that can attend all the meetings. I'd be willing to pass the baton (and not drop it!) to a new president, if need be. Let me know. We have until the end of the summer to figure this out. Everyone, especially officers and advisers, please let me know your schedules for next semester. -Katharine PWSA President P.S. The paperwork for the new [log in to unmask] e-mail address has been turned in. I'm waiting for IT to process it. They should contact me and Professor Chester soon, then we can pass the login information to our officers.