Greetings, fellow writers --
Ryan's a terrific former student and this sounds like a good opportunity for someone.  Contact him if you're interested!


Begin forwarded message:

From: Ryan Baker <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>
Date: April 5, 2011 1:39:59 PM CDT
To: <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>, <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>
Subject: Internship Opportunity for PW Undergrad/Grad Student(s)

Dear Professors Chester & Davis:

Hope this e-mail finds you well and - more importantly - you remember me. After all, it seems like only yesterday I was cavorting about Gaylord Hall, reading John D. MacDonald and eliciting blank stares from classmates with talk of films prior to 1980.

I currently serve as the director of client services for a marketing solutions firm called BraveMatters<> just north of campus (in the Norman Economic Development Coalition building at 710 Asp); we're a start-up with clients all over the country for whom we perform a range of PR, digital/interactive marketing, branding, planning, strategy, earned media and social media duties.

I'm writing to you two because we need an intern with strong writing skills to produce copy for client blogs, social media, press releases, et cetera; the position is unpaid, but we're honestly looking for someone we can hang on to, nurture and eventually bring on as a part-timer at the very least. We can offer credit and the opportunity to build a résumé and portfolio with a non-university-affiliated firm that's walking distance from the campus - it's approximately a 20-minute walk from Gaylord Hall. Given that you're the gatekeepers of quality writing, I was hoping you'd be so kind as to consider the students you know for this opportunity and feel free to pass this on to students or give them my e-mail address to send me their résumés directly.

On a totally unrelated note, in my spare time I'm helping the goons behind SoonerCon with their marketing and community outreach, and I noticed both of you (along with Jeff Provine) are all going to be guests again this year. I will see you there for sure, but before June rolls around, we should have lunch (on me, of course). Let me know!


Ryan Baker
Director of Client Services
[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
888.236.8829 x 104
405.217.0029 office
405.217.4453 fax