What a loss. So sad and so hard to believe! Please let us know how to reach out to her family. Sent from my iPad On Aug 25, 2011, at 11:26 AM, "Linda Callahan" <[log in to unmask]> wrote: > Dear AEJMC & MAC member: > > This is to share with you sad news that Jennifer sent out to the AEJMC Board > this morning. Von Whitmore was a dedicated worker in AEJMC and a dear > friend to many of us. > > Linda Florence Callahan, Ph.D. > CSM Immediate Past Chair > > Professor > Journalism & Mass Communication > North Carolina A&T State University > Greensboro, NC 27411 > (336) 334-7221 x 3003 > > Subject: AEJMC sad news > > > I am sending this message to both the outgoing and incoming AEJMC Boards. > > Von Whitmore died this morning from ovarian cancer. I just had a message > from one of her colleagues at Kent State. > > Von had been a member of the AEJMC Board for the past 4 years as vice chair > and chair of the Council of Divisions. > > As I have more information I will send that along. > > We will also send an email out to the Council of Divisions. > > Jennifer > > > > > NOTICE: This e-mail correspondence is subject to Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. >