Hello from the Heartland Regional Coordinating Center,

Thank you to everyone who has participated in the initial assessments of Heartland's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and barriers.  From your feedback, we have compiled a list of themes.  We now ask that you take less than 5 minutes to rank these themes, 1 to 5, with 1 being the highest priority: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/HeartlandStrategicPlanningPart2 (This survey will close at noon, Monday, August 22nd)

Results of this prioritization process will be revealed at the annual meeting in Bismarck.  During the meeting, we will also spend a bit of time discussing strategies to address these themes or high priority areas.  Again, thank you for your valuable input.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Shona R. Whitehead
Program Coordinator
Heartland Regional Coordinating Center
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
1200 N. Phillips Ave., Suite 12100
Oklahoma City, OK 73104

Phone:  405.271.8001 x. 42190
Fax:      405.271.8697
